
Compassion for your companion animal.

Living through the current COVID-19 crisis has caused plenty of stress for humans navigating the constant changes, whether it’s keeping you at home all the time, or you’re busier than ever. Our pets are like sponges, soaking up our emotions instinctively through their empathic nature, whether we ask them to or not. As we have seen in humans, negative thoughts, emotions, and states of being are dangerous and can cause physical illness and dis-ease. These same things can happen with our pets, creating bigger problems in the long run. Energy work can help animals release things that don’t serve them, such as holding on to your stress and anxiety for you. Your pet gives you so much emotional support without ever asking for much more than food, water, a bed, and affection. Give them the gift of Healing Touch for AnimalsĀ® from Becca at Soak It Up Healing and watch them thrive.


Hello world!

Welcome to Soak it Up Healing! I’ve been working with energy medicine since 2013. The joy it has brought to my life is astounding. Being able to help animals understand their job, their purpose, or just to ease some of their pain, is infinitely rewarding. Please reach out to me if there is anyway I can assist you or a loved pet on this journey we call life!